High quality safety products, first-aids and safety mock drills ensure that actual industrial sites are more safe and clean.

Any life threatening incident such as accidents, fire, electric shock, heart attack, natural calamity, can affect the health of a person. First-aid is a simple health care given to an injured or ill-person during a condition of emergency. We usually use the terms like casualty for a victim for an injured or ill person. The medical treatment can be given by any person whether he is related or not to the medical field.
The basic objectives of providing first-aid can be given with 3 P’s:
*Preserve the life:
The very first aim of the first-aid is to save lives and minimize the threat of death of a person. This includes activities such as making the casualty’s airway open, ensuring that the casualty is breathing properly then offering artificial respiration to him and ensuring that the casualty has proper blood circulation by checking heartbeats and pulses if not then giving chest compressions in the proper way. When doing so, you should check for any danger to yourself if you find any then you should call professional help rather than putting your life in danger. Other activities include stopping traffic, stopping electric supply, stopping other people from making the fundamental mistakes etc.
*Preventing further worsening or deterioration of victim’s health:
Various first-aid techniques should be applied to prevent the worsening of casualty’s condition. This covers first-aid techniques such as applying pressure on wounds to stop a bleeding. Applying pressure prevents further injuries. Another thing is to place the victim in a comfortable and safe position, covering the victim with a blanket etc. Often it is needed to move the victim away from danger to a safe place. There are various ways to do that, like giving assistance in walking, cradle method, carrying on back, four-handed seat, stretcher etc.
*Promote recovery of casualty:
The third objective is to promote recovery of the victim. You should always call the emergency helpline number for medical help. When you call emergency help, it takes some time for the arrival of the medical facility. By the time the medical arrives one can do certain things such as relieving anxiety and building confidence, attempt to relieve pain and make casualty comfortable, protecting from further harm, cooling the burn, stopping the blood flow etc.
To offer first aid it is essential to have necessary material with us, together we call them a first-aid kit. It includes clean cloth, hand-gloves, soap, antiseptic solution, medicated cotton, elastic bandages of different sizes, medicated cotton gauge, triangular and circular bandages, scissors, blade, torch, thermometer, burn-ointment, instant cold patch etc.
When an apparent situation of disaster occurs any organization is expected to conduct certain practices to check the readiness and effectiveness of the emergency response plan. Mock drill has certain objectives like:
*checking and evaluating the response
*Improving coordination between various departments
*Identification of own abilities for building confidence.
*Improving the quick response ability.
*Reviewing the competency of planned actions.
*Identifying the possible errors and risks for improvements
If your organization has all the required measures in place then you are sure to have a safe working environment for you and your employees.