HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment)

In HIRA, our experts follow a systematic process that consists of a number of sequential steps such as hazard identification, consequence & frequency assessment, risk estimation based on the existing controls, and recommendations to reduce those risks which are not under acceptable limits.

Our experts at Samarth Safety carry the detailed analysis of HIRA by:

  • Carryout a systematic, critical appraisal of all potential hazards involving personnel, plant, services, and operation methods.
  • Identify the existing safeguards available to control the risks due to the hazards.
  • Suggest additional control measures to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
  • Prepare a Risk Register that will help in continuously monitoring these risks, detect any changes, and ensure the controls are effective.
  • HIRA Training for different levels of people like managers, frontline engineers, supervisors, and executives, workforce. These customized pieces of training can be conducted on-site, online (Online instructor-led), or blended.

Our evaluation for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Study includes:

  • Study of the plant operations
  • Identification of the individual tasks involved in carrying out the above operations
  • Identification of potential health and safety hazards in these tasks
  • Determination of the level of risk by combining the likelihood of a hazard occurring with its severity using the Risk matrix
  • Analyzing the existing control measures available to control these risks
  • Provide recommendations for additional risk control measures to bring the risk to an acceptable level
  • Compilation of the Risk register
  • Hazard identification in all the activities performed in the organization
  • Determine control measures to reduce the risk to acceptable or as low as is reasonably practicable

Our role is identifying hazards associated with the operations and select worst-case scenarios for estimation of consequences. Reputed software models will be used for consequence estimation. Based on the estimated frequency of occurrence, risk reduction measures will be suggested to the management for effective implementation.