Process Safety GAP Assessment

Process Safety Management is a primary function for assuring safe and reliable production operation. However, unforeseen weaknesses or ‘gaps’ in those processes may lead to Major Accident events, where the consequential effects are either multiple fatalities or catastrophic asset damage, or both. Therefore, the management processes need to be holistic, and application must also be meticulous as any shortfalls, or ‘gaps’ in either have the potential to be catastrophic. We at Samarth safety help you achieve this target efficiently.

Samarth Safety works to support operators of Major Accident Hazard facilities by conducting comprehensive Audits (or ‘Gap Analyses’) of their existing Process Safety Management and Asset Integrity Management systems. The Audits are a vital element of on-going performance assessment; they shall serve to examine the scope and extent of what is in place currently and how this is performing, identifying weaknesses and/or gaps. This shall then help to define the means by which those weaknesses and/or openings may be addressed and rectified going forward.

The Audit process is conducted in three stages:

  • Identify and bench-mark what is in place currently against any pertinent Regulatory requirements, industry norms, standards, and best practices
  • Identify what should be in place and if there are gaps or weaknesses in key processes that should be made good before going forward
  • Development of an action plan to address the gaps and shortfalls
  • This latter plan is invariably considered in the context of ‘risk’, where those gaps or weaknesses that constitute the highest risk are prioritized for enactment over those that are of potentially lesser risk status.

The scope of a given Audit is usually tailored to suit the primary objectives thereof (such as performance bench-marking, Regulatory/Corporate compliance, and the like).

The gaps in the facility with respect to the following shall be stressed upon:

  • Commitment to Process Safety
  • Understanding Hazards and Risks associated with a process plant
  • Managing Risks effectively
  • Learning from Experience