Reduce risks with industrial safety products.

As various industries are evolving, industrial workers are exposed to a broader range of risks. To protect the lives of people, the industrial safety technologies are constantly evolving. We are looking into industrial safety technology which is developing day-by-day. India has reported a significant amount of hazardous industrial activities among OECD countries. It means that there are several risks at several industrial sites to take away the lives of industrial workers. Against this backdrop various industrial safety technologies are being developed to avoid accidents. Since new technologies have a high ratio of false positives, people are reluctant to introduce new products and technologies into industrial sites since they are afraid of responsibilities they might have to take. So if disclaimer can be added when introducing new technologies, things become easier.
The most common type of industrial accident is falling. In order to minimize any damages which can occur from falling accidents, airbag vests have been built to immediately detect the fall. These airbag vests have been designed to inflate in 0.2 seconds as it detects falls. These airbags have a fall detection sensor, which leverages the concept of free fall, calculates around 1000 movements per seconds, and it is designed to detect only the falls excluding mundane mobility in the operating environment, as soon as a fall is detected, a signal is sent to the gas generator, the airbag built in the main part of the body can be fully inflated within 0.2 seconds. In the event of a fall, the airbag will fully inflate, before the human body reaches the ground to minimize the impact of a fall and to protect the lives of people.
While airbag vests are largely effective on low floors, it is important to raise the rate of people wearing safety equipment in high rise buildings. This system allows the sensor to identify risky areas on the high floors and sense the warning alerts that the workers are not wearing the personal protective equipment. This safety system is able to detect, if the hook has been connected to the safety bar and scaffolding or not, with a specially designed sensor and by locating the safety system in dangerous work areas, where it has to be implemented, the alarming system enhances workplace safety and only stops when workers connect the safety hook to the safety bars or scaffolding. The system allows the managers to check the status of all employees and if the workers in dangerous areas are attached to the safety system or not, thereby providing a more safe and efficient working environment.
Meanwhile technologies are also deployed in the training materials to ensure safety in the workplace. A case in point here is VR for industrial safety training. The VR reproduces similar environments, allowing employees to conduct site safety investigation and provide the dangerous reality of what happens. The safety accidents that can occur at industrial sites include crash, fall, narrowness, fire electric shock. VR content can be produced for training the workers about how to respond to prevent accidents. In addition to that companies are also coming up with educational content in order to provide the right knowledge to the work process and the operating principles. It is also very helpful in learning how to use the equipment on various industrial sites. Since VR helps employees exposed to the similar concepts in the actual industrial sites, VR training is very effective. To give a strong impact on employees, realistic scenes should be created with the application of sound effects. So you can see how the hardware such as gloves, head shockers and scaffolding footing, are working together with software to create a realistic and immersive content. Enough accidents to be cautious of gas leakage have occurred. These type of accidents can cause a large explosion and fire.
At times like these, gas and flame detectors are used to minimize the damage. With the development of technology any gas leak which is about 30-50 meters away can also be detected through high definition cameras and ultraviolet sensors. At industrial sites, a small amount of gas leakage and a small fire can lead to a huge accident that can kill workers. Therefore it is important to prevent these causes in advance. Gas detectors and flame detectors are necessary to ensure safety in the industrial workplace because it is able to detect the areas that humans cannot catch. By utilizing gas detectors and alarm systems various sensitive changes in gas can be detected. In this way important information such as gas leakage position and time is directly sent to the managers allowing them to quickly respond to the situation. Assuming that the current state of the gas to be detected is 100%, a gas product should have a tolerance range of about 3%. Based on such sensitivity, small changes can be detected in real-time, and safer industrial sites can be created.
Recent industrial accidents have caused economic losses and a lot of casualties. A budget of some trillion won for disaster relief has been prepared at the government level. But what is worrisome is that almost all industrial safety budgets are focused only on infrastructure and there is almost no budget allocated for advanced safety technologies. If we heavily invest in cutting-edge technologies such as intelligent CCTV technology, fire monitoring sensor, and fine dust detection sensor, we will be able to prevent industrial accidents in advance and even dominate the global market. Various industrial safety technologies are being adopted to prevent huge accidents and damages. It is expected that deployment of high-end technologies can be rapidly brought to actual industrial sites so that workplaces can be safer and cleaner.